TV HOST MAKER LIVE Virtual Event &

Casting Call for Aspiring Women TV Personalities

Start Your TV Journey Now!

Launch Your Own Successful

TV Show in 3 Days!

Join our Next Event!



As Seen & Featured in:

" You have changed my life! I found a place to be where everything is celebrated, and I don't need to fit in because there's no fitting to be done. Thank you for helping me along my path, allowing me to heal through art and soul connection, and elevating me to a place I never even considered. I’m excited about my Show!"

Karla Sue Magnan

" This has been magical. I've learned so much from you. You are such a role model. Everything out of your mouth resonates with my soul. Thank you for this opportunity, truly. So beautiful. Thank you for this Diane! "

–Dawn Witte

Diane Forster

America's Mindset Coach

Award-Winning TV Host

TV Network President

If you’ve got a big message to share, and expertise that deserves a bigger audience… And you’re tired of working so hard to get the recognition and visibility you deserve…

You’re going to LOVE this!

Hi, I’m Diane Forster…

I’m hosting a Very Special Live Encore Event for incredible women professionals, entrepreneurs and experts who want to become a TV Personality so you can:​

⭐ Host Your Own Amazing TV Talk Show.

⭐ Become known as a “Celebrity” in your industry.

⭐ Build your authority, credibility, brand, and business.

⭐ Serve your audience that is waiting for you to show up bigger!​​

⭐ Have a chance to be selected as a TV Host on our Television Network!

I’ve been in the media industry for over 40 years and worked at ABC for 20 years. I’ve been a TV Host since 2017, that has won awards and landed me on National Television, Radio, Magazines and a TEDx Talk! I uncovered the winning formula, called the STAR Method™, that will make YOU become a TV STAR!

Diane Forster

America's Mindset Coach

Award-Winning TV Host

TV Network President

During this event, you’ll get:

⭐️Your “Create and Launch Your TV Show” Blueprint!

⭐️Your Branding, Business, and TV Show Growth Plan!

⭐️Your TV Show Distribution Channel that reaches over 1 Million Monthly Viewers!

⭐️Your Visibility Plan so you are SEEN EVERYWHERE Organically!

⭐️Your Monetization Plan to MONETIZE YOUR SHOW with 20+ Proven Strategies!

I’ll also share some insider information about the industry and what content providers are looking for so you STAND OUT and get Media Attention!

Here’s your chance to MAKE YOUR DREAM OF BEING A TV STAR A REALITY! I’m going to show you how.

I can’t wait to see you there!


What is TV HOST MAKER Live?

During this 3-Day Event, you’ll learn how EASY and AFFORDABLE having a tv show is…and more importantly, how to MONETIZE your TV Show! You’ll learn everything from set design, show format, tech, production, monetization, building audience, on-camera confidence, booking and interviewing amazing guests, and becoming the “Celebrity Expert” that attracts clients, customers, fans, followers, and the media!

⭐ Quickly discover what makes you unique and special, and exactly how to package and express it, so you can stand out like the STAR you are!

⭐ Learn the 3 Mistakes even experienced TV stars and hosts are making and how to avoid them so you are an “instant pro”.

⭐ Get our “Overnight Success” blueprint that shows you how to build your show, create content that people want to watch, charm a big audience, and work with incredible guests.

⭐ Hear the real “Insiders Only” scoop as you meet and learn from other hosts who will share how they are making money, doing less work, and helping so many more lives because of their TV show.

" I’m a lifelong learner, so I loved this so much. I can’t wait to start my tv show. I’m already thinking about sponsors. I appreciate the effort, the teamwork, the support, and, and whole handholding, at least at the beginning. And, I can see that coming, and I look forward to it. Diane, you are leveling the playing field. Smart Girl! "

Mary Axness

" I've attended lots of different events, but I have to tell you, this was beyond First Class! Diane and her entire team were all extremely personable! The other thing is how genuine everyone was, and that speaks volumes! Everything was very well organized and extremely thorough! I know everyone is extremely excited to be launching their shows! Thank you. It was so good! "

Johnny Tan

The TV Host Maker LIVE is FOR YOU

if you are...

⭐ Serious about getting the visibility and recognition you deserve to make a bigger impact (becoming a TV Host is the fastest way to make it happen!)

⭐ Committed to making a bigger difference in women’s lives by building a platform that allows you to reach them quickly.

⭐ You are an expert in your industry and a much larger audience needs to know about you!

I feel like I'm finally done chasing shiny objects all the time. I feel like I finally found a place where there's real strategy, and it's going to work this time. I'm glad I found this community with all of you.

– Lisa Jones

I've loved every minute of this! Honestly, Diane, you're the real deal! When I came here, I thought, “what is she going to share with me? I've already got some shows.” But, WOW, I learned so much and got some really amazing ideas! You attract incredible people! I felt very blessed that I got to be a part of this. It was very humbling and empowering. My heart is full. Thank you so much!

– Elvira Hopper


Marie Diamond

International Fengshui Master

Star in the hit movie, "The Secret" seen by 500 Million People

TV Host of " Marie Diamond TV"

Kevin Williams

Principle - CEO - NuHollywood

Owner of the Columbia School of Broadcasting

Media - Tech- AI- App Developer

Aaron Heimes

President & Co-Founder of e360tv

Media Expert

Libby Jason

Image Stylist & Confidence Builder

Speaker - Author

Ann Landstrom

Award-Winning International Master Photographer

Branding Expert - Author

Hannah Kesler

Hannah Kesler

Money Mentor of


Jeffrey Klubeck

Professor of Communication at San Diego State University

Author of "The Integrity Game®"

" The caliber of your organization, presentation skills and communication and just the whole layout was incredible! I'm certainly very excited about where this is going to lead my life and all of our lives! "

– Melanie Henry

" Diane, you made it such a reality that it's possible, and I don't think I really had any expectations coming in. I loved the quality of service, the content, the delivery. I didn't think I'd get here so fast! I've already got my one main show and another two or three already in my head for what is possible! Thank you so much for the quality of your speakers and all the information that I got. It was all just Top, Top Notch! It's going to be so exciting to see where we are in six months or a year from now and the impact that we're going to have in the world! Thank you! "

– Diana Inch

What others are saying...

" If you want to do a TV show and work with somebody that cares, Diane is your girl because she really CARES. 

This girl is the real deal and I can't recommend her highly enough."

Sandi Masori - TV Personality & Best-Selling Author

" Diane Forster is the BEST Coach I've had in 20 years! 

She taught me everything I needed to know in such an organized way. I was able to implement and launch my show in only 30 days, and I generated over $25,000 before we even launched! 

She's the absolute best there is. Thank you, Diane! "

Lexis Johnson - TV Host

“ Because of Diane, I learned how to have a fun,

engaging, exciting, and top-rated show, and now it’s on a 

television network! ”

Greg Russell – TV Host – Technology Tuesday

"I can't recommend Diane anymore strongly that you participate in her program."

Dr. Greg Sanders

"Diane not only helped me create the blueprint for my TV show but also for my brand. I felt like a fire was ignited in me! Like the dots are connected organically. So to anybody who wants a mindset reset, I recommend attending Diane's event or working with her one-on-one ."

Portia Booker - Host & Producer

"I really appreciate everything you brought to the table. 

You said give me a rating from 1 to 10 and I gave you an 11.

 Thank you so much for the experience!"

Raja Marhaba - Author & Influencer

Event Schedule

(All times are PST)

Day 1 - 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

★ Opening Session!

★ Break

★ Mid-Morning Session

​★ Lunch

​★ Celebrity Guest Appearance

★ ​Afternoon Session

​★ Break

​★ Late Afternoon Session

​★ VIP Virtual Cocktail Party

Day 2 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

★ Morning Session

★ Break

★ Mid-Morning Session

​★ Lunch

​★ Afternoon Session

​★ Break

​★ Late Afternoon Session

★ ​Dinner Break

★ ​VIP Mastermind with Diane

Day 3 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

★ Morning Session

★ ​Break

★ Special Guest

★ Lunch Break

​★ Special Guest

​★ Powerful Monetization Session

​★ Complete Your TV Show Blueprint

★ ​Closing Session

" You have fully delivered on everything you promised in your advertising and marketing, Diane! Rarely have I had the experience when someone says in their marketing, “this is a life-changing experience” that it actually is, but I honestly feel that this was! That’s because of you, Diane. You got us all fired up and now we are ready to go! "

Suzanne Kurz

" I have been trying to find what I was looking for to me to be able to integrate everything that I do. And, each day of this event, I got more and more of my answers! I told you at the beginning of the event that I don't dream anymore. But now, I’m dreaming SO BIG! During the exercises, so much came out! It's very exciting. I am so very grateful. I'm looking forward to creating something that I am worthy to do now! "

– Catherine Kaufer

Here are some of the most frequent questions I get asked:

What is the schedule of the event?

The event will be on Thursday,

Friday, and Saturday on September 12-14, 2024.

Event Details will be sent to you via email.

What if I don’t have any experience?

This is the perfect event for you!

You don’t need any experience.

I’ll teach you everything you need to know.

What if I’m not technical?

No problem! I’m not technical either!

You’ll discover all the ways you can do this,

even if you’re not technical.

I’m already busy. How much time 
will it take to have my own TV Show?

In less time than you think! My show takes up 4 hours a month! 

You’ll learn how to leverage your time by having a TV Show.

Isn’t it expensive to have your own TV Show?

Not at all! That’s a myth. 

Your TV Show will not only pay for itself, 

you can make it profitable.

What if I’m not good on camera?

If you feel like you’re not good on camera, 

it’s because you haven’t learned how to be. 

It’s a skill you’ll learn during the event!

Is this for me if I want to do a show, 

but I don’t know what I’d do it on yet?


This is the place where you’ll figure it all out, 

and you’ll be so excited to bring it to life!

What if nobody watches my show?

Not possible. When you spend the day with me,

 you’re going to learn how many people are looking for you!

What if I’m not ready yet?

Only you can determine that. 

I do know that if I didn’t start when I did,

 I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Interactive High-Energy Networking

Meet other amazing women as you collaborate, celebrate, inspire and motivate one and another throughout this event, during the breakouts, networking breaks, and at the “VIP Mastermind with Diane” Coaching Session where Diane will create your TV Show with you LIVE

Diane Forster

Mindset Expert & TV Host

2022 Top TV Host & Mindset Coach and 2021 America's Mindset Coach, Diane Forster helps women over 40 reinvent their lives personally and professionally. Her TV Show, signature speeches, books, courses, and coaching produce rapid results for women who feel stuck and begin to heal the limiting beliefs that hold them back and step into their power, creating happier, abundance, and fulfillment in all areas of their lives. Her clients call her “The Miracle Queen” and the “Dream Come True Maker!” Diane Forster is the Founder of I HAVE TODAY TV Network, the first and only Women’s Personal Development and Transformation Network for Women in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s.

Violet Star Bullet
  • TV Host
  • Podcaster
  • 2022 Top TV Host & Mindset Coach of the Year
  • 2021 America's Mindset Coach of the Year
  • 2020 Life Coach of the Year
  • Award Winning Inventor featured on QVC
  • 2x International Best-Selling Author
  • Keynote and TEDx Speaker
  • Executive Contributor for BRAINZ Magazine

Reserve Your Spot Now.

" I really appreciate the professionalism of Diane and her team. It gives me a lot of confidence that what she offers from this point is going to be at that such a professional level that takes people to incredible heights. And it's just been a magical time to be here. "

– Andrea Putting

" I have met with three different people who are starting different streaming channels who are looking for content. THIS is the one I signed up for. I do my research, then I wait to see what aligns for me. Based on the people you attracted and how put together your presentation was, how much you delivered in that presentation, and the level of professionalism and expertise gave me so much confidence in what you offer and how I could contribute to this larger community that you’re creating. It was a very great experience. I appreciated everyone's effort on the team as well. I'm excited and very much excited about what's ahead! Thank you for that! "

– Siobhan Cunningham

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